If you’ve ever set about building a new habit, you’ll know how nice it is to have simple devices to help you.

In Atomic Habits, James Clear talks about the importance of making good habits easy to do.

And I’ve confirmed this for myself several times now. (Through both failures and successes.)

I wrote earlier about the things I’m saying no to this year. And most of those involved numbers. (Times, if we want to be pedantic.)

For me, numbers make things easier, more relatable.

So I thought I’d share some new ones I’m tracking as I continue my quest for a healthier life (and better sleep).

They both come from fitness-for-entrepreneurs guy, Dan Go. (Whom I follow on LinkedIn, of all places.)

The first is aiming to walk 8-10k steps per day. (Yes, I’m late to that game. But wow what a difference counting steps makes vs. keeping track of time or distance. Makes the habit SO much easier.)

And the other is the 3-2-1 Method (the reason for this piece):

  • 3 hours before bed, stop eating
  • 2 hours before bed, stop drinking all liquids
  • 1 hour before bed, stop looking at screens

A countdown to sleep.
