Imagine if you really connected with all your Connections.

If you liked everything you Liked, loved everything you Loved.

I don’t know about you, but it seems borderline impossible to me. (And I’m not even a very active social media-er. I log into Facebook once every 2-6 months, Instagram once every year?)

That said, today I had a call with Maya Meyouhas, a marketing consultant out of Montreal.


Because Maya posted about the virtues of being/hiring a generalist a few weeks back on LinkedIn, and I Liked it. (And liked it.)

In fact, it made me think, “We should Connect; we generalists ought to stick together.”

And/But, she had decided, some time back, not to connect with anyone new until after she’d had (at least) a call with them. So, I sent my connection request, and she sent back a link to her scheduler.


Perhaps a little too time-consuming for most, but a brilliant idea, nonetheless.

I booked, we chatted, and now—now that she actually knows me (at least a bit)—we are connected.

What do you think? Would you do this? Does it give you any ideas?

Connection over collection,

P.S. The post is also on her site, here, if you’d rather not go to LinkedIn.