
You’d be right to call that an inflammatory subject line.

To be honest, I’ve been wanting to use it in an email for ages—because it’s a very funny quote that I came across, and I’m proud I had the presence of mind to save it.

And also because I’m tired of hearing about AI over and over and forever at this juncture. It’s nice to hear a counterpoint.

The quote comes from this article on Lloyd Alter’s endlessly interesting Substack, Carbon Upfront.

In the piece, he’s frustrated with AI artistically, and also morally, in solidarity with the creative industries. But there’s another layer of truth in it that resonates.

Leaving aside the moral case, I would rather use my own photo of garbage (or whatever else I was talking about) than use AI to create one.

I would also rather businesses use photos of their actual staff, clients, products, and spaces (where possible) than stock photos. Or at least commissioned a photo shoot.

If you’re small and scrappy, be small and scrappy. Use what you’ve got.

If you’re large and established, show it. Use your non-stock photos as a flex.

Either way, you’ll do a better job of attracting the kinds of people who will enjoy working with you if your imagery reflects the true experience on offer.

Be real,