Perhaps you’ve noticed a thread running through some of these Tactical Tuesday emails.

I recognize that this is basically inscrutable to you, lol.

To me, it has a structure (thanks, Obsidian!). One that encompasses the majority of my VoC (Voice of Customer) gathering process.

Like so.

When and how to talk to your customers:

Talking to your customers (ideally your ideal customers) helps you capture and craft copy to attract more of the same.

But what about would-be-ideal-customers that didn’t make the leap?

That’s where the pop-up shines. (I use Hotjar, but there are many others.)

Set it to fire when a new visitor is about to leave (i.e. shows “exit intent” – usually moving the cursor up to the X or back button).

And say something like, “Before you go, could you answer a quick question/two quick questions?”

Then ask, “What were you hoping to do or find on our site today?” and/or “What would have made you choose us/our solution/{product name}/etc. today?”

This helps you see points of objection you’re not countering. Helps you understand where your offer isn’t landing.

(And you can change, or not, from there.)

Pop pop,