Kidding! I don’t have any TikTok tactics, lol. I just liked the way that sounded. I suppose that would make this clickbait (is that a TikTok tactic?).


But it is Tactical Tuesday. And I don’t want to waste your time or attention (for which I am eternally grateful).

In fact, the title of this note in Obsidian – where I write and store these pieces (and which, somewhat confusingly, doesn’t always match the subject line they go out with) – is “Email subject lines.”

A tactic I use when writing email subject lines is focusing on this fact: their ONLY job is to get the email opened.

Yes, they also have to stand out in the inbox. (Either by being great, or by having unique formatting, or symbols, or emoji…though that needs to be done very sparingly and with precise intent to avoid having the opposite effect).

Yes, they need to indicate what your email is about. (Or be a cheeky misdirect like mine today…though I’d advise you only use that sub-tactic with extreme caution.)

Yes, it helps if they’re short and snappy.

Yes, you can lean on preview text (forced or natural) to get a bit more across.

But still, even with all that context added, you can see that the only actual job they have is to get your email opened.

So before you send your next email, take a moment to put yourself in your reader’s shoes and think, “would I open this?”

If so, send away! If not, rewrite until so.

Not a TikTokker,