Sometimes, you just want to hear about something good and heartening going on in the world.

This week, on a call with a group helping to hone and develop an eco-anxiety app, Wildya, someone brought up Be My Eyes as an example of a tech + volunteer effort to make the world a better place.

And I was blown away.

With 7MM+ volunteers and 600K+ users, Be My Eyes “connects blind and low-vision users who want sighted assistance with volunteers and companies anywhere in the world, through live video and artificial intelligence.”

Here’s how it was explained to me: If a blind or low-vision user wants to know, for example, where the ring they’ve dropped is or what the storage instructions are for some food, they can use the app to get connected to a group of volunteers.

The app then sends an all-call to the volunteers, and whoever answers first takes the call, using the caller’s video camera to guide them to the ring or read the storage instructions.

It’s free, unlimited, global, and anonymous.

I haven’t yet, but I’m thinking of signing up as a volunteer. If you are too (or become one first), let me know. I’d love to compare notes.

With gratitude for my sight,