Have you ever had one of those moments where someone just perfectly captures a feeling you hold about something?
And then you wish you had a daily email list so you could do something with that newfound idea-kinship?
I follow a designer called Nate Kadlac on Substack, and in his latest piece he said this:
“…taking [design] classes at the local college was like peering into the truth of the past, without any bets being placed on the future.”
And it just landed with me.
It’s not true of every subject, obviously. (Especially those whose purpose is exclusively to study the past.)
But for something like design, where the tech is changing faster than you can write textbooks about it? Yes.
He goes on to say he, instead, built his skillset by chasing his next idea.
And that’s just the way of it, isn’t it?
Betting on the future,
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