“Sometimes, you’ve got to throw your coat over the fence before you know what’s on the other side.”

I’m paraphrasing, but I’m close.

This was a phrase my sage and supportive father-in-law introduced me to more than a decade ago. (Thanks, Rick!)

He offered it as an analogy in a conversation we were having about making big life decisions without knowing how they will work out.

And it has stuck with me ever since.

We were talking about Kayte’s and my decision to leave sprawling, urban Nagoya, Japan. And to move back to small-ish, rural Fredericton, New Brunswick — a city not known for its wealth of job options — with no backup plan whatsoever.

We just decided it was going to work, and then made it work.

He liked that. I like that.

Because once you’ve thrown your coat over the fence, you no longer have a choice. You’re going too.

Over the fence,

P.S. The whole time I was writing this piece, the picture below was in my mind. Taken in 2008 on the small Okinawan island of Miyako-jima, it might be the best image I’ve ever captured. It shares a vibe with the “throw your coat” mentality. My favourite part is the keys. The keys!! Talk about faith in outcomes.