Today was Easter Sunday – a day for big family gatherings on Kayte’s side.

This year, it also happened to be Kayte’s father’s birthday!

This worked out well. He’s not big into the focus and hoopla of a just-for-him birthday gathering (unlike me!). So we were able to make it special without crossing that boundary.

Which is very important, I do believe.

Another thing that’s important is pie. And cake.

And we had both.

As Julia Child said, “A party without cake is just a meeting.”

And since it was a numerically significant birthday, we knew we had to get coconut cream pie.

Now, we could have gone to any supermarket to buy them (and a fair few restaurants). They’re not rare, and they’re hard to get wrong.

But we didn’t.

We went out of our way to get them from The Cabin, a(nother) small diner on the far side of the city.

What’s more, we had to pick them up the day before – at their busiest time – while everyone and their dog was out shopping for their own family dinners.

And it made me think about the power of being remarkable.

We paid more, drove further, and relinquished time convenience, just to get these pies from THE place to get pies, according to our family culture.

To my mind, that’s where you want to be as a brand.

I’ll leave you with a (sadly not great) picture of these two creamy beauts!

Full of pie,