If you’ve ever had someone reach out to potential clients on your behalf, could you let me know how it went? The concept vexes and perplexes me.

On the one hand, some people swear by it. If you don’t like doing it, take it off your plate so you can focus on things in your zone of genius.

Makes sense, but I have concerns:

  • I’ll have to spend a chunk of money upfront and may get nothing from it.
  • The meetings booked for me will not be a fit because I am not a typical business owner and am not good at typical business conversations.
  • The outbound done on my behalf will be out of integrity with who and how I am; spray and pray, not nuanced, automated, transparently manipulative.

You see, I had someone do some outbound for me in the past, and I am still traumatized by:

A) the one guy who took me to task for the technique used, which I had to concede I agreed with him about.

And B) the people who thought I had personally researched and selected them as being someone to reach out to, who couldn’t tell it wasn’t me and was automated and gave me the benefit of the doubt, which I did not in fact deserve.

I’d really love to hear something that challenges this.

Not asking for a friend,