Do you have any ‘minimum viables’ for your business or in your life?

I’m quite a fan of the concept and find myself seeing them everywhere these days.

The two most famous examples are the minimum viable audience, which Seth Godin talks about a lot. “The smallest group that could possibly sustain you in your work.”

And the minimum viable product, which Eric Ries (the Lean Startup guy) popularized. “That version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.”

But I think it’s a concept that can apply just about anywhere.

Minimum viable:

  • Marketing efforts
  • Social media presence
  • Article length
  • Email newsletter concept (ahem!)
  • Podcast setup
  • Mental refresh break
  • Breakfasts for the kids
  • Sandwiches
  • Staycations
  • Home “spa” days
  • Reading sessions
  • New songs

And so on.

What are some minimum viables in your world?

J (<- minimum viable valediction)