Have you ever heard me talk about copywriting, business, or freelancing? If so, you’ll have heard me mention Joanna Wiebe, founder of Copy Hackers.

She recently posted a fantastic article about how to (and how not to) grow your list.

Yes, and I thought sharing that link and the crux of the article would make for a great Tactical Tuesday piece.

So here goes.

The gist is this: “To grow your list, borrow someone else’s.”

Joanna explains the tactic here, talking about an event that brought 2,300 new subscribers (bolding my own):

“We had partnered with ConvertKit. We’d created an offer that was a great match for their list… and then we’d sent that offer, in an email, to their list. And then we’d filed those webinar registrants directly onto our list at sign up, where they had to double opt-in to receive the webinar details. That’s how you do it.”

I highly recommend reading Joanna’s funny and educational article in its entirety. And, again, you can do that here.

Happy list-borrowing,