“You seem like someone I’d like to work with.”

I was on a call today as part of Kevin Freidberg’s excellent Booked Solid Bootcamp. In it, I had the reason to write personally reflected back to me in the simplest possible terms.

Nine words. (Ten if you count contractions as two, which I don’t.)

They came from Joel Clermont, who’s on a mission to help other Laravel developers progress from being competent to confident.

He was saying what he likes about reading more casual pieces in a professional setting.

See, I was wondering if new people that join One Creative Moment would be as tolerant of my often very personal writing. Particularly given they’ve joined via LinkedIn.

Should I just send them the weekly Tactical Tuesday emails and keep it (somewhat) buttoned down (or is it up)?

200-odd days/emails in, and I can’t imagine not writing daily.

What’s more, I can’t imagine writing any other way. (Certainly not with such frequency.)

And that’s when Joel released me from worry with his 9-word insight:

“You seem like someone I’d like to work with.”

Not me, specifically, to be clear. But his point was when he reads things written by people who insert their personality, quirks, and humour into their work, that’s how it makes him feel.

And that’s exactly how I want to make you feel. And why I won’t change a thing. (Plus, also, I basically can’t.)
