You may be surprised at that borderline clickbait-y subject line. I am a bit too. But as you’ll see, it’s simply the clearest description of what follows.

Here, then, are 9 tenets for better work, in no particular order; some related, some not:

  1. Perfect is the enemy of done.
  2. Progress, not perfection.
  3. When in doubt, test it out.
  4. Write for humans, not algorithms.
  5. It’s called B2B (business to business), but it’s still P2P (person to person).
  6. Why? Why us? Why now?
  7. If it sounds like writing, do it again.
  8. Choose clear over clever.
  9. Even smart people would prefer not to think.

Please discuss,

P.S. I just counted what I had, and there were 9, not the other way around.